Ordinary Bloke on a Bike
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An “Ordinary” Cycling Community
About this Channel
Why “Ordinary Bloke On A Bike” ? The answer is it was how I felt in my early days of cycling which wasn’t very long ago. “Cyclists” seemed to be the catch all title for extremely fit lithe and athletic people zipping around tracks and roads, competing professionally or as enthusiastic amateurs. As a chubby 60 year old still making his way through the world of cycling I didn’t feel I fitted in the same category !
Then when I started to take notice of the vitriolic arguments going on across all social media I was annoyed at the “all cyclists are ….” statements that were not only wrong in suggesting if a few did we all do whatever it was, it also gave me an identification of “Cyclist” when we are all the same people we always were before we rode a bike , all different and nothing changed when we bought our bikes..
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The Purpose of this channel is to present Cycling in a way which hopefully appeals to “Ordinary” Folk who ride bikes, like myself whilst also holding the interest of those speedsters, long distance packers, off roadies of every kind and just about anyone who has discovered the joy of riding a bike.
It strongly features videos from my collection of films on Youtube including equipment reviews, my opinion on sometimes controversial subjects, tips for newer cyclists, films I made when on rides through some beautiful places and of course plenty of references to Cake! I do hope you will find them interesting enough to subscribe to my Youtube channel and see what there is to offer.
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Featured Video
There are many reasons why we get out on our bikes and there is no doubt that whatever the reason it’s a positive thing to be doing.
I actually counted 11 reasons why I go cycling and cover them here in this short video, along with a couple of reasons I could but don’t get on my bike – each to their own !!
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Cycling And Me
It’s my sincere hope that there might be someone discovering this website who is sitting on their sofa with vague notions of getting on a bike or getting into running because they’re fed up with feeling lethargic, overweight and concerned about the long term effects of keeping that lifestyle.
That’s exactly where I was not too many years ago. I described myself as an arthritic couch potato, probably using my arthritis as an excuse to delay doing anything about it. My son cycled so that’s where I began my journey and considered myself a bit of a dreamer as I submerged myself into the world of road cycling and harboured thoughts and images in my head of holding my bike aloft at John O’Groats, probably not realising what it took to get there.
I eventually got to do just that a few short years later and the video linked here is the story of my journey. It’s one of my earlier videos so the sound quality isn’t brilliant as I was still learning. (and still am)
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If YOU are that person on the sofa, please believe that taking up cycling as a pastime can literally change your life for the better. There are plenty of videos on my YouTube channel with advice for beginners to take those early steps and others that I hope are motivational when motivation is needed so why not subscribe to my channel by clicking here and take a look . If you’re new to YouTube, “Subscribe” is an unfortunate term, suggesting there’s a cost involved. It’s completely cost free and takes a minute to do so dive in !
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This began as the crazy dream of an overweight “ordinary bloke” struggling to do a 5 mile ride, wheezing up every 5% hill and stopping at the top to get my breath back and allow my heart rate to come back down from it’s Cozy Powell drum solo – Over 60’s reference I think 😁
It ended just 7 years later as I held my bike aloft in front of that iconic signpost at John O’Groats at the end of August 2021, totally stunned by disbelief and emotion..
I guess the story of how I got to the start line at Land’s End is the inspiration behind many of the motivation and tips videos on my Youtube Channel but having this iconic challenge as my bucket list dream was the main driving force in the early years. Although I first started riding a road bike in 2014 I only did short rides and very sporadically. I didn’t begin to ride regularly until around 2017 so it really was only 4 years before LEJOG..
Once I was fit enough to even consider that doing it was a reality , I agreed to do it to raise funds for Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice in Coventry and paid a deposit to Pedal Britain & Europe and then panicked that I wasn’t ready !!
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The story of this wonderful and unforgettable 14 days is told in this set of 14 videos so I won’t elaborate here. They are the first videos I ever created and put on my YouTube channel before I even had a camera of my own, so a different style to what came after as I was learning editing for the first time and just had a bunch of photos and some GoPro footage from my new friends Ravi & Dev or Zig & Zag as they became known as ( reasons revealed in the videos but easy to guess ! ). From the comments I’ve received they do give a real feel of the adventure, excitement and camaraderie that encompassed the entire adventure so why not give them a look.
LEJOG can be tackled a number of ways on a plethora of routes. There was no way I would attempt this as a solo unsupported challenge as some do. I realised quickly I needed to be supported and do it in a group. There are a number of companies that provide this and all have great reviews so it then depends what you are looking for in terms of things like, which route, size of the group, how many days what’s included in the cost etc etc. I can only speak about Pedal Britain the provider I went for and what influenced that choice.. The deciding factors for me, and these would possibly be different for others, were that the groups were limited around the 16 mark and unlike some other providers who took a route which turns North East around the Scottish Border, Pedal Britain take a route that stays West and goes through Glen Coe, a majestic place that I had driven through and was enthralled by the thought of cycling through it ( I wasn’t disappointed). It also meant, and this was a very personal thing, we were passing through Motherwell the town I was born in. The smaller group size was important to me because I wanted it to be a sociable event and felt that kind of group size was ideal for this.
I can’t say enough about how good doing events like this with Pedal Britain are and I cover this in another section of the webpage here.
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I have to confess, I’m a bit of a gadget freak so after getting myself into the world of Garmin I have a certain affliction which requires me to upgrade every time they bring out an upgraded version. The good side of that is that I can not only pass down my older model to my son to save him the cost of an upgrade , I also get the opportunity to pass on my thoughts on the new technology to anyone who wants to listen.
I have a YouTube playlist dedicated to these reviews on various products that I use with my cycling, from Garmin products to glasses, bike cleaners, saddles and more and you can find that by clicking here. As my channel isn’t big enough to be influential enough to attract sponsorship from any manufacturer , it’s all personal unbiased opinion.
Let’s face it, we all have to start somewhere and the place I started with my cycling was, shall we say, right at the very beginning. I don’t recall doing any maintenance on bikes as a kid so had as much clue as I have with the car I drive – I put fuel in and can check tyre pressures and inflate them, so actually with bikes I knew less than I did with cars because I was useless to begin with even connecting a pump to a presta valve !
So my aim with the “Tips” section is to help newer cyclists and anyone else coming across an issue for the first time, to avoid making the same mistakes as I did and I certainly made a few through my ignorance. The tips aren’t just about your bike, they include things like How to ride in a group, How to cycle in strong winds, and motivational stuff to help you get the most out of yourself and your cycling.
What constitutes an adventure ? Youtube and the internet in general is full of blogs and films of absolutely amazing trips across dramatic faraway places, jungles, deserts, mountains and every other type of magnificent terrain. When I first ventured off my sorry ass and straddled my recently acquired hybrid bike ( totally the wrong size I might add but that’s a different video in the “Tips” section), breathing heavily on my drive just with the exertion of getting the bike out of the garage – the 4 mile ride :”round the block” certainly felt like an adventure for me ! I was pushing myself beyond my comfort zone and venturing to somewhere I’d never been before doing something I’d never done before – and there you go “venturing” : dictionary meaning ” undertake a risky or daring journey or course of action” Certainly an accurate reflection on how I felt that morning .
Now that I’ve moved on a bit and started this Social Media and YouTube thing , it’s pretty obvious no one would be watching a video of a chubby bloke pedalling awkwardly for 4 miles “round the block”. So for the purposes of this website and my YouTube Channel I have to pitch “Adventures” as bike rides that I sincerely hope with crossed fingers, some people may actually watch a video of those rides and the places I ventured through along the way.
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The book has taken a back seat and been neglected this year (2023) but I have every intention to do a little tour of Wales next year to tick off those, and ride a few more when I can.
It really is a great book by Dave Barter and provided the push I needed to get me riding beyond my own back yard.
Thank you Jamie !!!
In addition to rides from that book I’ve taken my camera with me on various Sportives with pals and other rides. When I visit other parts of our wonderful country my bike usually tags along so I can film a ride in that area.
Since LEJOG I’ve tackled another Pedal Britain challenge “The Tour de Yorkshire Dales” which was great fun and another sociable experience making new friends in the process which is a great outcome from cycling in my view, it really can be a fantastic social opportunity if you want that out of it.
I’m currently training for a really big challenge with Pedal Britain in Sept-Oct 2023, their France End to End ride and raising funds for Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice along the way. Those who follow me on Social Media will know my preparation has been sabotaged by a back injury keeping me off my bike for 8 weeks and leaving me a little unsure of how much I can do.
As I’m typing this I’m currently on holiday in France and will be filming my attempts to get back to practising cycling up climbs as Mount Ventoux looms menacingly in my near future as part of the challenge and the whole saga with my back injury has definitely left me wondering if I can complete the entire 14 days.
If you are interested in seeing how this all ends up then Subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Facebook to keep up to date.
I’ve also began to take my Bike and Camera further afield exploring parts of Spain with mates, and having family in Paris I’ve also been able to film rides in parts of France including an interesting ride right into the centre of Paris !!
Getting out on my bike in different places is a massive plus for me and sharing these experiences through film is not only appreciated by some people but also gives me a wonderful way of reliving it all.
All of the rides I’ve filmed whether they are from Tours, Challenges, Sportives, Foreign Trips, From that Book, or any other rides I’ve felt were significant to film are all contained in one “Catch All” YouTube Playlist linked here
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To appreciate this website to the fullest extent you’d need to be an “Ordinary” person who rides a bike and sees cake as essential on a ride and. one who celebrates the joy of guilt free cake! ( Most definitely a positive of taking up cycling)
Those who have subscribed to my YouTube and seen my videos have learned we don’t refer to it as cake any more it is E.C.F. Essential Cycling. Fuel. to avoid any unnecessary criticism from those who just don’t understand.
I’m tempted by many forms of ECF but am a genuine Scone Lover and am glad the written word means no one can say I pronounced “Scone” incorrectly ! I’m also a bit weird in that I tend to forget the Jam and Cream and just have Butter on mine, so in the bargain I avoid the almost inevitable Cornwall vs Devon debate on which goes on first, the Jam or Cream?
I would LOVE to see your own favourites and if you follow my Facebook Page you’ll see this post which gives you the facility to upload a photo of your favourite Cafe Stop cake !!
I’m not one to hold or voice really strong opinions on any subject really. Nothing has ever driven me to want to loudly put my point across and get heated and vociferous…..until I started cycling.
I have to say the crazy situation we have in the UK where we have massively exaggerated “hatred” of cyclists by a large number of motorists ( not all by any means) – and vice versa in too many cases, is the main source of my strong opinion. But too much strongly thrown loud biased remarks just add fuel to the already hot and ridiculous fire.
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Most of my opinion centres around the subject and some looking at why we are so bad in the UK in helping things be better plus one or two controversial suggestions. They are all in the “OPINION, TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS” Playlist on my YouTube Channel so why not take a look.
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My Social Media
Ordinary Bloke On A Bike
I'm an ordinary bloke who discovered cycling as a way of fighting the negative effects of Arthritis and Anxiety attacks.
It's been a rewarding journey & hopefully through my page I can inspire "ordinary" folk to get out & push their boundaries a little.